Protection for Yourself, Your Family, Your Income

Income Protection

Specialised income protection brokers

As experienced income protection brokers, we can present you with the very best deals when it comes to protecting your earnings. Finding the right insurance policy for your circumstances can be difficult, but we understand how important the right cover is to give you peace of mind, which is why we can provide you with advice and find the best options specifically for your situation.

Protect your income against the unexpected

Unfortunately, none of us knows when we might fall ill or become injured. While many minor complaints and injuries don’t affect our day-to-day life too significantly, there are ailments that may prevent you from going to work at all. This is why income protection insurance is so important; you can rest easy knowing that, should anything prevent you from working, you will still be able to pay your bills and put food on the table. While you have a limited number of sick days your employer will pay you for, income protection insurance will cover you for all the time you cannot physically work.

Life cover and critical illness cover

These policies are typically lump sum plans which will pay out in the event of your death, or earlier critical illness. They are aimed at giving you the peace of mind that if something serious were to happen that your mortgage balance would be cleared for your partner, or passed mortgage free to your family. No one wants to think of the worst happening, but knowing that you are adequately covered with a cost-effective policy can at least give you comfort that you are not leaving those behind with the stress or hassle of the mortgage debt. Cover is cheaper than you would think, so get in touch if you want to explore these options further!